Our Safe Patient Experience at Smile Design Dentistry

Safety precautions in place include, but are not limited to:

  1. All patients are triaged and pre-screened over the phone. The ADA has recommended we ask a couple of questions prior to your scheduled visit.
  2. Each patient must download and complete this pre-screening form to limit interaction while in the office. If you are a new patient, please also fill out a new patient form for your desired office. The new patient form can be filled out online here, or if you prefer, you can download it here.
  3. We have increased the frequency of hard surface cleaning and disinfectant, including doorknobs and handles, light switches, counters, waiting area, seats, office materials and of course all clinical equipment.
  4. Active communication with staff emphasizing everyday preventive actions including proper hygiene and maintaining a clean disinfected work environment.
  5. In addition to existing proper protective gear and protocols, employees are now equipped with and must always wear and properly dispose of the gowns, highest filtration mask, facial shield, and goggles.
  6. Anti-bacterial soap and hand sanitizer are available throughout the office for both employee and patient use.
  7. All shared items such as reading material and beverage stations have been removed.
  8. Our employees are to take and record their temperature when they arrive to work.
  9. Upon seating a patient in the operatory, a dental assistant will take and record the patient’s temperature and provide an antimicrobial mouthwash to the patient.

It is imperative that our office remains a safe and comfortable environment.

Your smile is our goal.